10.08.2004 | Tolwyn |
Hello all faithful fans, and greetings
to new visitors! It's been far too long since my last update,
but I haven't been idle and I have some exciting news! I
was working hard on promised content update, so here they
are - long overdue high detailed models.
Where shall I start? I have added
three new Confederation fighters (a high detailed Arrow,
a Hellcat and a Thunderbolt; last two models courtesy of
my pet project Wing Commander Saga). Additionally, another
Arrow was added, with a pirate paintjob. The icing on the
cake are two high detailed Kilrathi cap ships, both modeled
by a skilled 3d artist, known in the Wing Commander community
as Zohrath. A Fralthi II, a heavy cruiser and a new version
of the Kilrathi Dreadnought, made in Maya 4.0. File size
of this monster is 50 MB (zipped). You will need a very
powerful CPU only to open (!) this model.
One final comment, regarding the
Fan Site of the Year contest: Wing Commander 3D had won
a runner up award :-)

More exciting content is underway,
this time it won't take 1 year to finalize it. I give you
my word on that ;-)
Take care,
12.04.2003 | Tolwyn |
Zohrath was so kind to provide the
redone version of the Vesuvius mesh, which is now working
with 3d Studio Max R4 and R5! The old version can be still
downloaded from Zohraths 3d website.
I had also time to add several low poly models and I have
to tell you they are really good. Among them is a fabulos
Dragon, Hellcat and a nice mesh of the Confed Longbow :)
21.02.2003 | Tolwyn |
I've been going through a lot of
nonsense over the past month in my real life, and it meant
I could no longer work on the site. I won't bore you with
the gory details, all you guys are interested in is the
site, right? (still, if you want to know more, go to ). Anyway, I already announced in WC CIC forums
that I'm merging the WC3D and WCMDF. Well, this is finished:
I've added all models that were futured by WCMDF, except
for several ones, that were too incomplete or too buggy.
I have several great models to add. Happy Downloading!
Just to mention, I've created the . Fell free to post there :-)
Tolwyn out!
05.01.2003 | Tolwyn |
Zohrath has just informed me that
he has brought his 3d site back online. You'll find it .
As for the latest additions. I've converted the Talahasse
(3ds). Besides that Corsair(pilot) was so kind to provide
his mesh of the Confed Broadsword. It is available in 3ds
and in its original LWO format.
Happy Downloading!
23.12.2002 | Tolwyn |
We have another new artist onboard!
Now let me introduce to you, the one and only ... Michael will be helping with
conversion. Here is a completed piece by him: Arrow for
Lightwave (original model by ). 3ds version is coming soon.
Additionaly, I've uploaded the Tiamat, SWACS and the low
poly version of the Kilrathi Drednought!
20.12.2002 | Tolwyn |
I've got several emails like this
"I need your help ive been
downloading your models but found that every time I to unzip
them they won't is it possible to get these models".
I use RAR technology instead of ZIP
compressing to give you up to 63% smaller downloads.That's
why you have to use WinRAR 3.x or a compatible program with
the ability of extracting WinRar3 files. If you fear viruses
in one of the files, you don't need to worry. I test all
uploads with two independant uptodate virus scanners before
uploading them. So the chance is extremely low that any
of our files ever are infected with any virus.
15.12.2002 | Tolwyn |
Added 3DMax version of the Hornet
by Howard Day. Added new Thunderbolt MKVII by Steele.
I've also put the wip section online. There you'll find
the impressive Kilrathi Snakeir by Nathan Davies.
Finally you can find in the "other fighters" section
new Privateer 2 ship in 3ds and Max format. It is the ML01
12.12.2002 | Tolwyn |
Several new models added. Arrow,
Jalthi and Ranger Class carrier (include flightgroup textures:CV-40
TCS Victory, CV-41 TCS Liberty, CV-42 TCS Wellington and
CV-43 TCS Freedom !!) are now available for download.
mod authors and talented Wing Commander fans!
If you want to contribute anything
to this project then email me to:
Visit my second project here:
09.12.2002 | Tolwyn |
There is a new
with Tolwyn about Wing Commander Saga: Battlegroup Serpent
at HLP. The interview is in English; it is part of an interview
on Tolwyn's projects :-)
Latest Additions:
Two cap ships and three fighters added: Vampire, Excalibur,
Panther, Murphy and the TCS Behemoth. Steele again.
08.12.2002 | Tolwyn |
Zohrah has provided us with his beautiful
mesh of the mighty Kilrathi Dreadnaught!!! Additionaly two
new confed fighters were added: Vampire and Bearcat. Both
of them from Steele.
don't ask me to make a model for you.
I know I'm working on 2 or 3 projects
for people right now, and I'll do my best to finish them,
but please do not write to me asking for a new model to
be made, I simply can't do it right now.
07.12.2002 | Tolwyn |
Added Hornet by Howard Day. Check
out his
too. Added Thunderbolt MKVII by scheherazade. Added 6 Wing
Commander hi-res meshes: Hellcat V, Longbow, Excalibur,
Dralthi MK2, Dralthi MK3 and Banshee. All of them from the
irrepressible Alan Hart.
06.12.2002 | Tolwyn |
Wing Commander 3D is a collection
pool of mod work. I don't know how willing people are to
openly share for the purpose of sharing, though i donno,
i think its a fairly noble approach, maybe it would go over
well. People who made the models for their specific project
might have not planned on making it available to all. It
can be hard to let go of something you worked on, but its
worth a try anyways. I'll message some of the recent project
people and see if they wanna donate.
05.12.2002 | Tolwyn |
Ok the site is fixed, although it
still may be some errors, I dont know where they are so
if you find out please notify me.
We presume that artists want proper
credit for all uses of their work. Therefore we have a set
of reasonable guidelines for each type of use. In spite
of the personal opinion of each artists it is presumed that
every artist who participates in this site with materials
agrees to this also. There are many reasons for this. First
is to do the moral and ethical thing by giving credit and
recognition to those who have graciously supplied us with
wonderful materials. Second is to protect the rights of
each artist by helping to keep others from claiming credit
for their work. Although rare, there is a problem with this.
All we ask is that you credit us. AND most would like to
know what you are doing for curiosity purposes. That's the
reason we have them online fellas. WE want to see what you
are doing with the models.